Beholding Jesus

The Christmas season for many people can be like the famous quote from The Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”  This season can be nostalgic as we listen to Christmas music, see Christmas lights, and enjoy family and friends.  Or it can be a season of feeling overwhelmed with holiday preparations, stress, and even the loss of loved ones who are no longer with us.  


How do we navigate through these two extremes?  What is most important this Christmas season?


I want to encourage us to go back and look at what the angel said to Joseph when he appeared to him in Matthew 1:20-25.


 “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel”, which means, God with us. When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him: he took his wife, but knew her not until she had given birth to a son. And he called his name Jesus.


God’s Hand and Plan


When I read this passage today, I see the HAND and the PLAN of God.  It was God, sending the angel with a message.  It was God through the Holy Spirit coming upon Mary.  It was God foretelling He would send His son named Jesus.  It was God fulfilling what He spoke through Isaiah over 500 years earlier.  It was God’s plan to send Jesus on a rescue mission for all the world. 


Isn’t it wonderful to know that this world changing, eternity altering, life fulfilling work was all done by God? And it is so good to know that no matter how special or disappointing our Christmas may seem, it does not change God’s incredible work! I feel joy just thinking about that truth.


So what is our part?  What must we do? 


In this season when there are so many extra things to do, and deadlines to meet,  we feel the pressure to make our Christmas special, according to our culture’s standard. However, we need to look closely at this passage again and be reminded of what God did, and what we are called to do.


You shall call his name Jesus!


Joseph was told what to name the son – Jesus.  There was no arguing, no “Joseph Jr.,” no considering to name him after someone in the family.  It was to be Jesus.  Why?  Jesus’ name meant “Savior.”  This why the angel goes on to say, “for he will SAVE HIS people from their sins.”


Every time we call out the name “JESUS” we are saying, “SAVE ME.”  It is a daily confession that Jesus is our savior.  It is a confession that we are weak, and He is our strength. It is a confession that we don’t put our hope in our works, our religion, or our pride, but we put our hope in Him and Him alone!  Remember, we can’t even call Jesus as our Lord without the inner working power of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3b).


Call out the name of Jesus!  Call on His name!  Not in vain, or as a way of cursing.  But in reverence, call on His name.  Call on His name in adoration.  Call on His name in worship.  Call on His name at work, in the grocery store, before bed, when you are tired, when you are sick.  Let Him be your savior every day!




This word simply means “to look,” to set your eyes on something.  We behold many things throughout the day, yet the prophet Isaiah spoke the words of God saying, “BEHOLD, a virgin shall conceive a child.”   How often do we hear of a virgin conceiving a child?  It only happened once in all of human history.  And it happened as a sign to us to know that it was God stepping into our world to bring salvation.


So take time to just behold Him.  Take time to look at Jesus, the story, His mission.  Take time to read His word. Take time to pray and talk to Him.  It’s a simple thing we can do every day.  I challenge you to set aside some time today just to behold Him.


Joseph did as the Lord commanded him


After Joseph encountered the Angel of the Lord, the scripture says, “He did as the angel of the Lord commanded him.”  Walking in obedience can be the hardest aspect of living out our faith.  There are moments we do well.  There are moments we fall away and are ashamed of our choices. 


Remember, the goal is not to “try harder.”   The goal is always to “call out to Jesus” and “Behold Him.”   As we have more revelations of Jesus and encounter Him more and more, our hearts grow with desire to serve and obey Him more.

Obeying God becomes natural just as it did for Joseph. 


As we remember in this Christmas season to call on Jesus and behold Him, let’s also ask God how we can walk in obedience to Him in the upcoming new year.  Speak to me God, for I want to obey.  For I know your plan is perfect and brings overwhelming joy!