As I was walking through a neighboring development, I saw a bumper sticker that read “Happy Medium.” Hmmmm….I wondered whether the owner of the car was a spiritualist? You know, someone who communicates with the spirits of the dead. And they were happy about doing it. (That wouldn’t make me happy, but that’s me!) But then I thought, no, it probably means they’re tired of the extremism in our country and are hoping that the issues we face can be settled by finding a happy medium. You know, kinda like Goldilocks in the story of The Three Bears who wanted a bed that was neither too soft or too hard, but just right, and liked her porridge neither too cold or too hot, but just right. That had to be it! The driver of this car must be a proponent of finding a happy medium between the extremes. There certainly is a legitimate need for negotiation and compromise, when keeping the peace is better than getting one’s own way, as seen in any healthy marriage.
Many (many!) years ago, I visited a church with a friend, and we attended a meeting for visitors at which we could ask questions of the pastor and he could ask us some questions. One question he asked was, “What did we believe about the Bible?” Did we believe it was a book of stories that were true and relevant for today or did we believe it was a collection of stories that weren’t true and had no relevance for today? He asked us to point out where we stood on the apparent continuum:
The Bible:
True and relevant…………Some truth and some relevance…………Not true and irrelevant
Having never actually read the Bible, I confidently said, "I believe that some of the Bible may be true, but honestly, it was written so long ago, it doesn’t hold much relevance for today.” Not too true and not too false, but just right. Not too relevant and not too irrelevant, but just right. I went for the happy medium. By the way, I was wrong!
So, is the Bible true? Well, I would never recommend passing judgment (like I did) until you actually READ the Bible! But consider that the Bible was written by more than 40 different authors over a period of more than 1,500 years. The writers ranged from shepherds to kings, from prophets to fishermen. And the types of literary style ranged from poetry to prophecy, from epistles to parables. Yet the message of the Bible remains unified throughout all 66 books. Even eyewitness accounts are in agreement and the testimony of the eyewitnesses did not waver despite persecution and martyrdom.
As for accuracy of the Bible, I don’t think there’s ever been another book written for which its accuracy was so painstakingly ensured. The number of letters, words, and lines were counted during the scribing process, and if a single mistake was discovered, the manuscript was destroyed. The Dead Sea Scrolls which predated existing Hebrew manuscripts by 1,000 years confirmed and substantiated the later texts except for minor variations in spelling and style. Then there’s the sheer number of manuscripts that exist which number in the thousands for the New Testament compared to other literary manuscripts by authors such as Plato and Aristotle which number anywhere from one to twenty copies.
The accuracy of Biblical historical events has been proven. Archaeological finds have never disproven any claim of the Bible but rather have served to confirm and expand our knowledge of Biblical times and places. So, all things considered, I rescind my previous statement and say unequivocally that I believe the Bible to be true.
Next, is the Bible relevant? Personally, I have never read a book that’s more relevant and I invite anyone and everyone to read it to determine its relevance for themself. If you have a problem, the Bible can help you find a solution because the Bible has something to say about everything….anger, appearance, children, divorce, finances, forgiveness, government, growing old, guilt, hope, humility, joy, judgment, living in the past, loneliness, marriage, patience, peace, procrastination, sex, speech, suffering, trust, waiting, work, worry, and on and on, covering topics and concerns that were relevant yesterday, are relevant today, and will still be relevant tomorrow.
The reason the Bible is relevant is because its truth can change minds, behaviors, habits, perspectives, and lives! Breakthroughs….that’s what it can cause in you and in your life. Breakthroughs in relationships, behaviors, health concerns, self-esteem, mindsets….I’m not lying! (Breakthroughs in these areas were shared during the study of Winning the War in Your Mind.)
The Bible can replace ignorance with wisdom:
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. (James 1:5)
It can shed light in areas where you feel you’re in the dark:
Your word is like a lamp that shows me the way. It is like a light that guides me. (Psalm 119:105)
It can provide peace when you are in a state of confusion or struggle:
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. (2 Thessalonians 3:16a)
It can encourage you when you are discouraged:
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
It can bring understanding when things just don’t make sense:
Think about these things and the Lord will help you understand them. (2 Timothy 2:7)
It can reveal love, the kind of love that doesn’t give up, the kind of love that’s unconditional, the kind of sacrificial love that would die for you:
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)
I can tell you that it's done all these things for me….no more being like Goldilocks! The proof is in the porridge, I mean pudding….the Bible IS relevant.
Sometimes, there’s no way we can settle for a happy medium because the only right answer is at one extreme of the continuum and there is no room for compromise or negotiation. The Bible is just right, just as it is….absolutely true and absolutely relevant.