Have you ever thought, “If I could just help God out in this situation, things may go a bit smoother?” Or how about this one? “God, I think this has gone on long enough and I’m ready for this to be over. How about if You do it this way and life will be better for me?!” Maybe you have a pile of bargaining chips, saying something like, “God, I will give you two hours of my time praying if you will just fix this situation for me.” You may read this and say to yourself, “Yup! I have been there and done that!” Or you may be thinking, “No way, I would never be that way. I love and trust God too much and want to honor Him in every way, all the time, without fault.”
I think we all want the latter part to be true in our lives. However, we are human and being human comes with its faults. We may want to honor God in everything we do and think, but truly following through - in every way, all the time - is something only Jesus was able to do. But wait, don't get discouraged too quickly here because I promise this will end well.
Who among the gods is like you, Lord? Who is like you - majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders? (Exodus 15:11)
The Kids Ministry at ALC has been going through the Bible chronologically because it’s important that children know how the Old Testament and New Testament fit together as one true Word of God. They need to see how the Old Testament points straight to Jesus as our Deliverer and Redeemer. Currently, on Sunday mornings, the elementary kids have been learning about the Israelites as they wandered around, hoping to quickly go into the land God had promised. The kids journeyed with the Israelites through the Red Sea and received the Ten Commandments. They heard how the Israelites complained almost immediately after crossing the Red Sea as they escaped from Egypt, and how they tried doing things in their own strength by convincing Aaron to make them an image of a golden calf. But that didn’t get them too far. They learned how God kept the Israelites each day and how not trusting God keeps us from receiving the best God has for us, like when the Israelites were too afraid to go into the land of milk and honey and then found themselves wandering in the wilderness for 40 years! Canaan was an amazing place and the Israelites would have lacked nothing in the promised land God had ready for them, but they were too afraid to trust God.
As the Israelites wandered for 40 years, hunger and thirst were a constant need in their lives that God always supplied. One time, God met their need by leading Moses to strike a rock for water! Now, I don’t know about you, but none of the thousands of rocks on my property produce water, let alone enough to quench the thirst of an entire group of people! But the hearts and mouths of the Israelites were full of discontent and complaints. Moses and Aaron were downright weary from all the complaining. God’s favored people didn’t seem to get it! In spite of all the times He had provided for their needs and used Moses and Aaron in miraculous ways, the Israelites still wanted to bargain, smooth things over, and complain about how hard things were. Don’t get me wrong, things were hard. Very hard! But you would think after all the miracles of provision the people saw God do for them, they would be just a bit more trusting. This past Sunday, the kids continued to hear what God is like - He is holy, good, and loving, but He is also a just God who keeps His word...
Though they were strong leaders and men who loved God with all their hearts, even Moses and Aaron got tired and weary and let frustration and anger get the best of them. At Meribah, the Israelites were thirsty and complained, accusing God of leaving them to die. So the two brothers went and had a chat with God who offered a solution. He had met their needs before and He was going to do it again. This time, needing less help from humans, God instructed Moses to just speak to the rock, rather than hitting the rock with his staff, in order to produce water for everyone. That’s it! Nothing more, nothing less. Did God say, “Speak to the rock and wait 60 seconds, and if that doesn’t work, tap the rock, and if that doesn’t work, then speak, tap, and do a little dance?” No! Moses was just to simply speak to the rock. I wonder if Moses and Aaron thought, “Will these people ever get it right?” Out of frustration and because he wanted the complaining to stop, Moses exploded with anger telling the people to “wise up and trust God!” He was so frustrated, he went over to the rock and hit it not once, but twice, thinking, “I’ll show them a thing or two!” What happens next is the good and loving part of God because He brought water out of the rock so all could drink, feed their animals, and make some meals. In spite of the complaining and Moses’ anger, God had mercy and gave the people what they didn’t deserve. But the just part of God also showed up. You see, Moses and Aaron let anger rule their actions and, as a result, they sinned against a Holy God. Instead of just speaking to the rock and allowing God to get all the glory for the freshwater miracle, they struck the rock out of their impatience and anger. Because of their sin, Moses and Aaron would die before they could enter the land that was promised to them. Seems so harsh, right? However, we must take very seriously the truth that while God is loving and good, He is also a holy and just God.
So many times, I’ve tried to get ahead of God. I have often thought that if I could just do this or say that, I could fix things. Maybe you are going through a long desert journey where God seems to be absent and you feel angry and frustrated so you take some things “into your own hands.” I’ve also had times when I tried to play the part that Holy Spirit was supposed to play in a circumstance, and you guessed it, it didn’t go well. I ended up not receiving the best of what God had for me. Over the years, as I gained a deeper understanding of God’s holiness, I’ve learned to let things in His hands. But sometimes, like Moses and Aaron, I slip up. I get impatient and weary and if I’m not careful, I complain and forget the God who created me has everything under control. Does that mean I don’t get angry or sad at what is going on in my world and the world around me? No, not at all. We are allowed to get weary, and yes, even angry. It’s when we sin in that anger and weariness and have a spirit of complaining that is displeasing to a Holy God. Our obedience to Him, even in the difficult circumstances of life, is what gives God the glory! Isn’t that what we want? We should want God to get all the praise and glory and recognition in our lives!
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5)
Did you know that we do not have to keep thinking that God needs our help in fixing our problems and circumstances? You see, God gives us a way out of this mindset. He did this by sending His precious Son Jesus who lived a perfect life and had no sin. He is our hope. When we believe that Jesus lived, that He died for our brokenness, then He came back to life and gave us His gift of the Holy Spirit, we can live in freedom. If you put your trust in Jesus and lay your needs at the foot of the cross on which He was brutally punished for all mankind’s sins, the things of this earth will grow dimmer and dimmer. You will not feel the need to take it on yourself! None of us like problems. We all want pain to cease, especially when it’s years of heartache. But may I encourage you to leave it in God’s hands? When He does ask you to play a part, do so in obedience and out of love for Him. God is holy, good, and loving. He wants what is best for His power and glory. His way is always the best way, regardless of the length or severity of the situation.
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. (John 15:9)
What part do we play in this? I’m glad you asked. We are to stay in the Word of God, stay connected to the vine by being in prayer and fellowship with other Believers. Ask Jesus to give you a fresh and renewed mind of praise instead of complaint. When we do this, we will not be tempted to bargain with God.
Remember what He has done in the past and how much He wants to lavish you with His goodness. Trust God and you will lack nothing. Now that is a promise!
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ. (Ephesians 1:7-9)
Trust in the God who created you and live it so a kid can see it!