Walking Wisely




In this message, we dive back into Acts 15 to uncover a game-changing approach to spiritual decision-making. You'll discover five powerful guideposts that can transform how you navigate life's complex choices. Whether you're wrestling with big decisions or seeking clarity in the gray areas, these timeless principles are as relevant today as they were in the early church. Don't miss this practical guide to finding God's direction and seeing how Spirit-led decisions can lead to real breakthrough in your life and our church community.




The coming of Christ, celebrated at Christmas time, is the coming of peace, joy, hope and love. It is not the coming of fear. As we look at the Christmas story this season, we are going to look at four different times the angels said, “do not fear.” Join us as we start our new series called “Fear Not.”


As we learn to follow Jesus, we must learn to talk with God. Sometimes, we worry about having the proper form or technique for praying. Instead, by looking at Paul’s prayers for the churches, we will look at what we should be praying for that moves the heart of God.


In the book of Acts, there are many people sent into the world with the hope and message of Jesus Christ. So how do we apply this to our lives today? Join us in this series called SEND from Acts 13-14, as we form seven convictions that we believe will cause our church to be a church that SENDS. The first question we ask ourselves is, “Who is Called?”


The message of Jesus Christ is true hope for all the world. As we continue in the book of Acts, we see the message of Jesus spreading to Samaria and eventually to the ends of the world. But do you know that this message given so long ago can give you hope today? Join us as we look at this Great Hope in Acts 8.