FEAR NOT: God Is With You!

December 22, 2024


As Christmas approaches, we are flooded with commercials, marketing, and influence, telling us what they think we need. We will spend time with friends and family, who bring their opinions and perspectives on life. On top of that, we will soon be entering a new year, which forces us to look at our goals and priorities for the next season of life.


But as we read the Christmas story, we see two young teens following God’s will for their lives when everyone told them to live differently. Join us as we are reminded of Joseph’s faith as he chose to ignore the fear of what others thought of him and obeyed God.


FEAR NOT: Just Say Yes

December 15, 2024


Pastor Devin continues in our Christmas series called “Fear Not.” There are many things we can be afraid of in this world. Threats in the world, death, financial issues, conflict, etc. However, we can also be afraid of God’s plans for our lives.


In this message, we will look at the story of Mary, the future mother of Jesus. The Angel of the Lord tells her not to be afraid that she has found favor with God. Sometimes, it's scary when God chooses us to serve him, and we struggle to receive the call. Join us as we look at Mary’s example of obedience.


FEAR NOT: Doubt Not

December 8, 2024


Fear is a natural human emotion that helps us with self-preservation or prevents us from doing something crazy that would cause pain. However, like other emotions, fear must be kept in check. Fear can sometimes run wild when we think of ‘what could happen,’ even though it didn’t happen.


The coming of Christ, celebrated at Christmas time, is the coming of peace, joy, hope and love. It is not the coming of fear. As we look at the Christmas story this season, we are going to look at four different times the angels said, “do not fear.” Join us as we start our new series called “Fear Not.”