WHY - Acts 12
September 1, 2024
Why?! This is the question we ask when things happen in our life that we can’t understand. There are so many “why” questions we ask, and most of the time, we take our why questions and direct them at God. In this message, we look at the “why” question that is found in Acts 12. God is clearing working all throughout Acts, yet tragedy still hits the early church. Why? Join us as we turn to God’s word, and turn to God to the answer to our question.
Hope For God's People
August 25, 2024
There are a lot of people around us who can influence us. We have people who influence us in unhealthy ways and people who are great examples for our lives who inspire us. Within Christianity, it has been not easy to trust people. We hear news reports of pastors who fail, we get hurt by people in church, and we don’t feel that we can trust people anymore.
In this message, Pastor Devin looks at the early church in Antioch. This church was a great example of God’s people living faithfully for God. He reminds us that the work that God is doing on this earth will be through the power of His Spirit that flows through his people. If we are going to be a part of the work of God, we must have hope in one another again!
Hope In Adversity
August 18, 2024
As we celebrate Baptism Sunday, we also look at Acts 11:19 and God's great work in the city of Antioch through faithful believers and Barnabas. Pastor Devin shares how adversity and even discouragement can create opportunities for God to do greater work than we can understand. Are you going through a discouraging time? Join us and receive encouragement from God’s word today.
Hope For Purpose Pt. 2
August 11, 2024
Pastor Devin continues in Acts 10 in the second part of a message called “Hope for Purpose.” As we look at God using Peter and Cornelius, we see the work of the Holy Spirit confirming, leading, and empowering everything happening in this story. Sometimes, it’s hard today to believe that God’s Spirit is still moving. We lose our expectations for His work in our lives. As you listen, allow your heart to stay open to the work of the Holy Spirit for your everyday life!
Hope For Purpose
August 4, 2024
What Is Your Purpose in Life? It is a question everyone asks at some point. God’s purpose gives meaning, and meaning gives peace and joy. Pastor Devin continues in Acts 10 in a message called “Hope for Purpose.” As we look at God using Peter and Cornelius, we see steps taken that make themselves available for God’s use. Are you available for God to use your life?
Hope For Salvation
July 28, 2024
Am I going to heaven? It’s a good question to ask yourself. If there is a heaven and a hell, as the bible teaches, we want to make sure we understand what assures us that we cross over and will be accepted into heaven.
Pastor Devin continues in Acts as we look at the story of Peter and Cornelius. Cornelius wasn’t a follower of Jesus and wasn’t a Jewish person. Yet, he came to know Jesus in a real way that changed his life and his eternal destiny. Join us as we celebrate that there is Hope for All people through the incredible work of Jesus Christ.
Hope In Seasons
July 21, 2024
Seasons are a part of Life. They bring change and variety. They help us to identify where we are in the calendar year. Some seasons we love, and other seasons we can’t wait to end. In our journey of following Jesus, there are different “seasons.” Some seasons are easy, and some are very difficult. As we continue to look at Saul's life in Acts 9, Pastor Devin highlights the seasons that he walked through as an early believer. He shares these seasons to give us a map and hope to maintain as we each journey through these seasons of following Jesus.
Hope For Change
July 14, 2024
In the reality of living in 2024 with the many problems that surround, there is a beacon of hope that shines forth from the message of Jesus. God’s word is filled with hope that can be applied to our everyday lives. As we continue in Acts, Pastor Devin shares the very changes that Saul made immediately after trusting in Jesus. Sometimes we come to church or trust in Jesus, and there is no change in our lives. When we don’t see change, we don’t have hope. Yet the steps that Saul took can be immediately applied to our lives.
God's Chosen Servant
July 7, 2024
God sent his only Son into the world to bring hope and salvation to everyone. For those who believe, we celebrate this news every day. But what about those who don’t believe? It's our collective responsibility, as a congregation, to go and tell others about Jesus’ love and grace. Pastor Devin continues in the book of Acts as we look at God’s chosen servant, Ananias. Who was he, and why did God use him? Can God similarly use my life? Join us as we look at Ananias’ life, a story that is as relevant today as it was then, and see how we can trust and live like him.
The Great Conversion
June 30, 2024
The message of Jesus Christ is true hope for all the world. As Pastor Devin continues in the book of Acts, we see Jesus transforming one of his greatest opponents, Saul of Tarsus. It’s easy today to focus on all the attacks on Christianity and think that God is not working. But we know that in the same way Jesus touched Saul’s life, he is transforming lives today. As Saul trusted and surrendered to Jesus, we can also fully trust Him, even when we can’t see what He is doing.
How Can I?
June 23, 2024
This week, Pastor Joe Gonyea leads us through Acts chapter 8:26-40. As a disciple of Jesus, we must continually be seeking God, being willing to hear what he has for our lives, and then we must respond to what God calls us to if we want to experience all that He has for us.
Hope For All
June 16, 2024
The message of Jesus Christ is true hope for all the world. As Pastor Devin continues in the book of Acts, we see the message of Jesus spreading to Samaria and eventually to the ends of the world. But do you know that this message given so long ago can give you hope today? If you know this hope, do you know you can give it to everyone around you? Where do you get the power to share this message of Hope in a culture that is saturated with imitation hope? Join us as we look at this great hope in Acts 8.