The coming of Christ, celebrated at Christmas time, is the coming of peace, joy, hope and love. It is not the coming of fear. As we look at the Christmas story this season, we are going to look at four different times the angels said, “do not fear.” Join us as we start our new series called “Fear Not.”
Join us in a new series called Pray. As we learn to follow Jesus, we must learn to talk with God. Sometimes, we worry about having the proper form or technique for praying. Instead, by looking at Paul’s prayers for the churches, we will look at what we should be praying for that moves the heart of God.
In the book of Acts, there are many people sent into the world with the hope and message of Jesus Christ. Looking back to Acts, how do we apply this to our lives today? This series aims to form seven convictions that will cause our church to be a church that sends. Join us as we look to the early church for encouragement for our lives.
Special Guest Pastor Eran Holt brings a very relevant word to us today as he preaches from Mark chapter 4. If we want to see breakthrough in the storms of life, we've got to be growing in our faith, our obedience, and in the authority that Christ has given us!
The message of Jesus Christ is true hope for all the world. As we continue in the book of Acts, we see the message of Jesus spreading to Samaria and eventually to the ends of the world. But do you know that this message given so long ago can give you hope today? If you know this hope, do you know you can give it to everyone around you? Join us as we continue through Acts.
Why does life have to be so hard? Do you ever ponder that question? How did the early church handle difficulty and pain? How can we stay encouraged in the midst of trials? Join us as we look to the early church for encouragement for our lives.
Most of us long for peaceful moments in life. However, instead we are overwhelmed with the anxieties of life. It is affecting people on all levels. We are going to be looking at Philippians 4 as a guide for how to trust God in our most anxious moments of life.
Today is Easter! It truly is the greatest day in history as the resurrection of Jesus has changed everything. As you celebrate today, let us remember that we can have hope in every difficult trial we go through. If Jesus rose from the dead, that power is available to us who believe. We are excited for you to join us as we celebrate Jesus!
What is the purpose of the church meeting together? Join us as we jump back into the book of Acts, as we start a series called “Together”. All through Acts, we see God working and building his church, and we can see people working, living, and serving together.
Special Guest Eran Holt brings a powerful Word today as he challenges us to trust God, specifically in times uncertainty. We need to let our FAITH be greater than our FEAR.
Sanctuary is word used to describe a place of safety, or a nature preserve. But it’s also used to describe the most Holy Place in the House of God. Through Christ, we are called to allow the Holy Spirit to dwell in our lives everywhere we go.
Christmas Morning with ALC
Abundant Life Church brings a very special Christmas Day message you won't want to miss! Enjoy this online-only special event that you can enjoy with your loved ones. Merry Christmas!
Follow along this Christmas Season as we see how Jesus brought Hope, Peace, Joy and Love to the world; all so that we might know God through Jesus Himself.
What Is The Lord's Supper?
Join us today as special guest, ALC's own Pastor Gary Jacabella brings a message of encouragement as he talks about the significance of Communion and why it is so important to us as believers in Christ.
A series in the book of Acts, which is a continuation of the book of Luke and a continued look at the work of Jesus through His followers. As we look at this historic book of the Bible, we see that followers who were eyewitnesses of Jesus are our best examples of how we can live our lives with REAL FAITH.
Push Back The Darkness
Guest Speaker Andrew Dawson, Assemblies of God US Missionary and founder of Operation For Freedom, brings the Word from the book of John while sharing his heart to reach the vulnerable who are caught in the life of human trafficking.
Abundant Living
Special Guest Drew Gysi from The Life Institute brings the Word along with some wise, practical advice on how to manage our finances in a biblical, God-honoring way.
Follow Me & You Will See
Join us today as special guest Rob Turchi, Director of The Hope Rescue Mission in Reading PA brings a challenging and encouraging Word. What would Jesus say if he was in church with us today? Find out who he would have spent the vast majority of his time with.
Special Guest Matt Muscetell
Special Guest, Pastor Matt Muscetell brings the Word as we continue in the series "Upon This Rock."
There are many difficult aspects of the church today and it seems to be in decline in America. People are leaving the church more and more each year. Pastor Devin shares today that the church still has a great purpose and will not be defeated.
Special Guest, Pastor Clayt Sheridan, one of ALC's very own, brings a very special message to us. As he shares his time in Tanzania, as well as testimonies from his trip to Africa in September of 2022. He reminds us that we are to praise the name of Jesus among all the nations!
We have been believing that God has “Better” for us in 2023. If our relationships get better, our lives will automatically improve. Join us as we talk about the issue in our relationships that we struggle to talk about and look at how God’s word directs us.
Today we celebrate mothers! They have done so much for us and continue to love and serve their children. The love and devotion of a mother is an incredible miracle.As we honor moms, let us be amazed again at the God who is the author of life, and the source of a mother’s love.
There are countless stories where people lost hope around Jesus, but Jesus never said it was over. Jesus always had hope and honored those who had faith and kept believing. No matter how hopeless your situation may look like, ‘It’s never over’!
Why is Good Friday called good? It is the day that Jesus died on the Cross. How can something so gruesome and sad be called good? Find out what's so good about Good Friday as Pastor Devin brings us a message of hope.
Pastor Devin starts a new series on 2 Peter. The Bible clearly defines what will happen at the end, so that we can plan how we should live our lives.
Winning The War In Your Mind
As Pastor Devin walks us through this series, we will look to identify those strong thoughts that are lies, and replace them with the truth of God’s word.
Better in 2023
The word that God is speaking to Abundant Life Church is “Better”. Join us today as Pastor Devin shares why this word will be pivotal as we head into 2023.
Merry Christmas from Abundant Life Church! Click here to watch our Christmas Eve Service as well as a special Christmas Day message.
The Great Gift Exchange
Pastor Devin continues in teaching in Philippians as we see the great gift exchange that God made as he sent his Son for us!
JESUS (Is Greater Than)
As we walk through the book of Philippians, we see that Jesus is greater than our suffering, our relationships, our desires. Find encouragement for your soul.
Special Guest, Pastor Greg Hubbard brings a message for those who might be drifting in our faith; many of us without even realizing it. Our drifting doesn't just affect us, but those around us. He
reminds us of the power of being rooted in God's Word and in prayer.
Lessons From A Farmer
God has given us the blessing of produce, grains, seeds, and fruits. The principles of farming are interwoven into our physical, emotional, and spiritual lives.
Uncomfortable Conversations
God has given us the blessing of produce, grains, seeds, and fruits. The principles of farming are interwoven into our physical, emotional, and spiritual lives.