October 27, 2024


As we close out our ‘Send’ series, Pastor Devin reminds us that we will never be a sending church if we are unwilling to pay the price. There is a price to pay as we take up our crosses and follow Jesus to where he is calling us to go. Is the good news worth this price? I thought the grace was free. How do we reconcile these ideas? Join us today as we are called to ‘pay the price.’


SEND - Keeping It About The Main Thing

October 20, 2024


As we continue in the book of Acts, Paul, and Barnabas, share Jesus from city to city. They are facing persecution, they are seeing people turn to Jesus, their lives are threatened, and they see life transformation, all at the same time. This message is part six in a seven-part message called ‘SEND.’ Devin focuses on the most essential thing that believers in Christ and the church must focus on.


SEND - Risky Business

October 6, 2024


“I can’t do that, it’s too risky?” Have you ever thought that? It is wise to factor ‘risk’ into our decisions, but sometimes, our fear of risk keeps us from getting a great reward. Pastor Devin continues his series called “SEND.” The first missionary journey was filled with risk. Is God okay with us taking risks? Maybe the better question is, do we offend God when we don’t take risks? Join us as we examine the ‘Risky Business’ of Acts 14.


SEND - Make Jesus Visible

September 29, 2024


As we continue through this current series called “Send,” we look at what it means to make Jesus visible in our communities. When we, as believers, step outside of the church walls and take the gospel to the streets, we have an opportunity to point people to the One who does great things! Join us as Pastor Thomas New brings us through the end of Acts chapter 13, as we learn how we, like Paul and Barnabas, can make Jesus visible in the face of opposition. If we will remain faithful to God, He will remain faithful to us.


SEND - Gospel Celebration

September 22, 2024


Every now and then, someone might go to a store and forget what they went there for. As a church, sometimes we forget why we are “on mission.” We can talk about sending people out, but why are we sending them? In this Message, Pastor Devin is in week 3 of this sermon series called “SEND.” As we continue to look at Paul’s first missionary journey in Acts 13 and 14, the “why” being the “go” is clearly revealed. The going is because of the gospel!


SEND - Gather & Go

September 15, 2024


What is required for a church to be a sending church? Should we forsake meeting together in exchange for going? Have our churches become too ‘attractional’ and have ceased being ‘missional’? As we look at the start of Barnabas and Paul’s first missionary journey, we see times when they are gathering and times they are going. This is a model for our churches today to not choose one over the other but to help us see we can be a church that gathers and a church that goes at the same time.


SEND! Who Is Called?

September 8, 2024


Have you ever been sent on a task? To pick up food, to take a delivery to someone, or even to pass a message on to someone on behalf of someone else. In the book of Acts, there are many people sent into the world with the hope and message of Jesus Christ.

Looking back to Acts, how do we apply this to our lives today? Pastor Devin starts a series called SEND from Acts 13-14. The series aims to form seven convictions that will cause our church to be a church that sends. Join us as we ask the first question, “Who is Called?”