Week 1
Key Scripture: Philippians 3
It’s Christmas time! A time for Christmas trees, lights, eggnog and presents! Many dreams from young people as they hope to get something special this Christmas. With all that is involved with Christmas, we need to remember the greatest reason for Christmas, which is the Birth of Christ. Today (12.4.22) Pastor Devin continues in teaching in Philippians as we see the great gift exchange that God made as he sent his Son for us! Let us come with thankful hearts as we see the gift that God has given to us.
Week 2
Key Scripture: Philippians 3
December is a month of celebration, and it is also a month of decisions. Which parties will I go to, what will I buy for presents, how will I use my time, what Christmas movie will I watch? For each decision we take hold of what we want, and we let go to what is not as important. Today (12.11.22) Pastor Devin is talking about another exchange we make as we follow Jesus. Join us as we continue in Philippians 3.
Week 3
Key Scripture: Philippians 3:20-4:3
As Christmas is a time of remembering Christ, it is also a time for gathering with friends and families. Some of those relationships come easy…some come with past baggage and hurt. As Pastor Devin continues teaching from Philippians, we see the church in Philippi was also dealing with conflict. Join us today as we look at how we can exchange division for unity during this Christmas season.