Week 1 

There are many difficult aspects of the church today and it seems to be in decline in America.  People are leaving the church more and more each year.  Some people would tell you to give up on the church.


Pastor Devin shares today that the church still have a great purpose and will not be defeated.  Join us today as we start a new series based on Matthew 16:18 called “Upon this Rock.”



Week 2

Why is it so hard to follow Jesus? Why do people either reject Jesus or struggle to stay faithful to Him? The truth is, there is a spiritual battle that goes on that we don't see. A battle between God and His heavenly armies against the forces of evil. So how do we fight this fight? If the church is victorious, how can we live victorious lives? Find out what God's Word says in today's message.



Week 3

Join us today as we continue in a series called "Upon This Rock." Jesus gave us incredible news! As we stand on His Word, Jesus promises that His church will be built and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18).


Even though we know this truth, we still must fight the battle. Fighting the battle means understanding and knowing who you are fighting. If we don't realize there is an enemy attacking, we won't experience Jesus" victory in our lives. The powers of darkness are constantly scheming against us.



Week 4

Jesus promises through Him, we will have victory in our lives over the forces of darkness (Matthew 16:18). But can we have freedom over spiritual bondage?


Pastor Devin will share what the Bible says about Jesus' power over demonic forces, how we can know if someone is in bondage to demonic control, and how to be set free.

Week 5

Join us today as Pastor Joe Gonyea shares the Armor of God from Ephesians Chapter 6. Learn how you can prepare for battle against the schemes of the enemy. It all starts with the TRUTH.

Week 6

Special Guest Matt Muscetell from Encounter Freedom brings us the Word today as he talks more about the importance of putting on the full armor of God.