Week 1
Key Scripture: 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Today we start a new series called Winning the War in Your Mind, which will be based on a recent book by Pastor Craig Groeschel from Life Church.
We want a “Better” 2023, but will we make the changes necessary to experience God’s? One of those changes that we need to make is to change our thinking. The biggest battle that we face personally is in our minds, and it’s a battle we fight every minute of the day.
Join us today as Pastor Devin walks us through week 1 of this series as we look to identify those strong thoughts that are lies, and replace them with the truth of God’s word.
Week 2
Key Scripture: Romans 12:2, Philippians 4:8
We have a lot of thoughts that compete for space in our brains. We can fill our minds with so many different images, ideas, feelings, ideologies, and opinions. It’s hard to know what is truth, and what is false. Just like wiring can get “crossed” and send the wrong signal, our brains can get “crossed” and we think wrong thoughts. Our brains need rewiring!
Join us today as Pastor Devin continues part 2 of “Winning the War in Your Mind” as we “Take back our thoughts”. Be ready to apply the truth of God’s word to your life in a very practical way.
Week 3
We have all had “duh” moments when we have made silly mistakes in our lives. Some of these have been moments where we just weren’t thinking like we should have. Why is it that we fill our lives complaining even though we have so much to be thankful for? We can spend a lot of our time focusing on the negative, and not all the good things God has given to us.
Today Pastor Devin continues in our series, “Winning The War In Your Mind.” Today he is going to give us a biblical tool to help us win the battle in our minds when life comes with unexpected trials.
Week 4
Key Scripture: Philippians 4:6-9
As we wrap up this series based on Craig Groeschel’s book “Winning The War In Your Mind,” Pastor Joe Gonyea brings it all together as he explains the science behind how our brains process and create anxieties, and how the Word of God calls us to take every thought captive. Our worry is actually a sin against God because it shows that we don’t fully trust in His Power and in His promises for us.
We MUST cover everything in prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to help us overcome anxiety and worry.